Usually based in East London, the Peepshow Collective has created a makeshift studio and workshop in its exhibition space at Pick Me Up. Artists Chrissie MacDonald and Spencer Wilson explain how they got involved...
Chrissie: Our history with Pick Me Up's curator, Claire Caterall, is that we used to take part in the V&A Village, which she also curated.
Because she wanted Pick Me Up to be more than just a space with pictures hanging on the wall, and actually have things going on, we thought we'd create a space where on some days we could run a print workshop. People can just come along, select some blocks which we've made and create a one-off print.
We've also set up a bench, so we can do our work from here. It makes it feel more like a working space, rather than just pictures on walls.
Spencer: Around 85% of the work on display is new and there are around 7 artists from Peepshow represented in our space.
It's not all of us, as
Marie O'Connor is living in Sweden and
Elliot Thoburn is living in Japan, so they're not involved this time around. Also
Pete Mellor does animation so he's not exhibiting.
Essentially, the work we produce tends to be under our own individual names, but also under the umbrella of Peepshow. Collectively we're a brand, but individually we work in our our style, so our style's not defined by Peepshow... we define Peepshow.
Chrissie: When we do collaborative projects, whether it's an animation, or an installation, that's when we come together and merge our work, and that's a Peepshow job. At Pick Me Up, it's each individual's work, but we've also collaborated to create the display units and the printing workshop.
The next Peepshow printing workshops will take place on...Wedneday, April 28thFriday, April 30thSaturday, May 1stSunday, May 2ndVisit the Peepshow website.
Sylvain Deleu