Alex Bec and Will Hudson of design blog It’s Nice That have curated a showreel of short film and animation for the fair, which will screen on a loop for its duration. Here, Alex explains a bit more about their involvement in Pick Me Up...
"We've done pop-up shops before, and exhibitions too, and we wanted to try something a little bit different.
We've had this idea to curate film screenings for ages. This was a great opportunity to put the first one together and Somerset House were up for giving up the space, putting a great projector in there, and good speakers...
There's so much great video content on It's Nice That, and it's almost always seen on a couple of pixels with rubbish sound... it's almost a waste. No one makes a film to be seen that big. It's just a pity that not even the directors have seen it on a big screen, or with good sound.
Needless to say, everything being screened at Pick Me Up has been posted on the blog. Each piece has an ‘It's Nice That’ feel. There's a tone, an aesthetic and a thought. They've all either got a great concept to them, or they're just a little bit of fun..."
Screening setlist:
'Tales Of The Unexpected'
Dir: Carl Burgess
'We Still Got The Taste Dancin' On Our Tongues' - Wild Beasts
Dir: Institute For Eyes
'Dog Judo - Noisebox'
Dir: 12foot6
'Everything Is Everything'
Dir: Koki Tanaka
'Love You Better' - The Maccabees
Dir: Dan Sully
'Remedy For Boredom'
Dir: Bernard Gigounon
Short film for Onedreamrush / Universaleverything
Dir: Maxim Zhestkov + Matt Pyke
'Big Ideas (Don't get any)'
Dir: James Houston
'Football Evolution'
Dir: Chris Palmer
'We Got Time' - Moray McLaren
Dir: David Wilson
'Mardi Gras'
Dir: Keith Loutit
'Going West'
Dir: Andersen M Studio
'Watch Listen Tell - Golden Silvers'
Dir: Dave Tree
'Love Sport Love Paint Balling'
Dir: Grant Orchard
Dir: Luke Snellin
Dir: Lernert & Sander
'The Robot Hand'
Dir: Lejo
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